Immunization & Pupil Transportation
Effective June 13, 2019, Chapter 35 of the Laws of 2019 repealed non-medical exemptions from vaccination for children attending school. Per the NYS DOH/OCFS/SED FAQ released 8/16/19:
Q: If a school district provides bus transportation to students attending another school (i.e., a nonpublic school), is the school district that provides the bus transportation responsible for ensuring that the students from other schools have all their required immunizations?
A: No. Each school arranging for bus transportation through their school district of location is responsible for ensuring that the children enrolled in or attending such school receive the required immunizations or valid medical exemptions in accordance with the law.
It is the responsibility of the school the child attends to ensure the immunization requirements are met. If a district wants an assurance- they can ask the school to certify their enrolled students meet the requirements.