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Board of Regents Appointment to the Roosevelt Union Free School District
Interim Board of Education

In accordance with the provisions of Chapter 33 of the Laws of 2002, the New York State Board of Regents is authorized to fill any vacancies on the Interim Board of Education of the Roosevelt Union Free School District. As of June 30, 2010, a vacancy exists on the Interim Board of Education due to the resignation of Heather Palmore. If you are interested in serving as an appointed member of the Interim Board of Education, the Board of Regents is currently accepting applications for the vacant position. In order to qualify for appointment you must meet the legal requirements listed below and submit a properly completed application with an affidavit of residency/qualification to the School Superintendent’s Office, Roosevelt Middle School, 335 East Clinton Avenue, Suite 3003 (3rd floor), Roosevelt, NY 11575 by 5 p.m. on Friday, July 30, 2010.

Description of Position

As a corporate body functioning under the laws of NYS, the responsibilities of a public school board of education include:

  • Setting the District’s Direction - drawing upon the community, the board describes a shared vision, and established goals, standards and strategy to transform vision into reality.
  • Ensuring Alignment - of strategy, resources, policies, programs, and processes with district goals
  • Assessing & Accounting for Progress - using comprehensive data, thorough deliberation, and open communication
  • Continuously Improving the district - accentuating and reinforcing the positive, and correcting the negative

As an individual board member, individuals are expected to:

  • Regularly attend and participate in board meetings and committee meetings where applicable;
  • Read, review and inquire about materials that involve the school district, including board minutes and reports;
  • Exercise fiscal responsibility with respects to the assets, finances and investments of the school district, and complete required financial training; and
  • Use good judgment in analyzing all school district matters and act in good faith consistent with the best interests of the school district.

Legal Requirements

A candidate for the Interim Board of Education candidate must:

  • be at least 18 years old
  • be a United States citizen
  • be able to read and write
  • not be a current employee of the school district
  • not have been removed from the Roosevelt UFSD Board of Education or any other district office or position of employment
  • not simultaneously serve in any other public office that is incompatible with services as an appointed member of the Roosevelt UFSD Interim Board of Education
  • not reside as a member of the same family with another individual serving as an appointed member of the Roosevelt UFSD Interim Board of Education

Term of Service

Applicants must be available to serve as a member of the Interim Board of Education from the time of appointment through June 30, 2011. The appointed board members will serve at the pleasure of the Board of Regents.

Selection Process

A State Education Department candidate evaluation team will evaluate all applications and make recommendations to a subcommittee of the Board of Regents for interviews. The Regents subcommittee will conduct interviews of selected candidates. At the conclusion of the interviews, the Regents subcommittee will select the candidate that it recommends for appointment by the Board of Regents. On or before August 12, 2010, the Regents will appoint a candidate to serve on the Interim Board of Education.

Candidates who wish to be considered for appointment by the Board of Regents to the Interim Board of Education of the Roosevelt Union Free School District must be available to be interviewed by the Regents subcommittee at a date and time specified by the Regents subcommittee.

Last Updated: December 22, 2014