Announcement of Funding Opportunity
2023-2024 Universal Prekindergarten Expansion Grant for New Full-Day and Half-Day to Full-Day Placements for Four-Year-Old Students – Round 2
Grant Application Documents
Grant Application in PDF | Grant Application in Word
Appendix C: Grant Award Request and Collaboration Calculator
Appendix D: New York State-Administered Universal Prekindergarten Quality Assurance Protocol
Appendix E: Proposal Evaluation Rubric
Appendix F: Prekindergarten Community Based Organization (CBO) Certification Waiver
Appendix G: Prekindergarten Variance from Collaboration Requirement
Questions and Answers – Posted 2/3/23
Legislative Authority and Purpose of Grant Funds
Chapter 53 of the Laws of 2022 appropriates $25 million for additional prekindergarten grants for school districts to establish New Full-Day and Half-Day to Full-Day prekindergarten placements for four-year-old students in accordance with applicable provisions in Education Law Section 3602-ee governing Statewide Universal Full-Day Prekindergarten (§3602-ee).
Purpose of Grant
The purpose of the Universal Prekindergarten Expansion Grant for New Full-Day and Half-Day to Full-Day Placements for Four-Year-Old Students is for New York State school districts in 2023-2024 to increase the availability of directly and collaboratively implemented prekindergarten programming aligned with applicable New York State Learning Standards along with relevant Education Law §3602-ee requirements. In addition to addressing student and community need, proposals must demonstrate innovation and high quality.
Project Period
Initial period: July 1, 2023, through June 30, 2024
Awards under this grant program will be based on the NYSED-approved number of New Full-Day and Half-Day to Full-Day prekindergarten placements for four-year-old students served by NYS-certified and uncertified prekindergarten teachers in a 180-day school year.
Prekindergarten programs that operate fewer than 180 school days in the 2023-2024 school year and thereafter will be subject to Education Law §3602-e(16) which outlines the proportionate reduction of the total grant payable by 1/180th for each day the prekindergarten program did not operate.
Subject to an available appropriation in the State budget for this purpose and provided all requirements of this grant and §3602-ee quality standards have been met, all awarded school districts will retain their 180-day maximum grant award in the 2023-2024 school year and thereafter.Eligible Applicants
All public school districts who were not awarded funding under “School Year 2022-2023 Universal Prekindergarten Expansion Grant for New Full-Day and Half-Day to Full-Day Placements for Four-Year-Old Students” are eligible to apply for this grant program – Round 2.
Multiple school districts are permitted to form a consortium and submit a joint application for the grant program. One school district must be identified as the fiscal agent of the consortium.
Collaboration with Eligible Agencies / Community-Based Organizations (CBOs): Pursuant to this grant and §3602-e, school districts are required to set aside no less than 10 percent of the total grant award to collaborate with high-quality eligible agencies / CBOs who demonstrate best practices for the provision of the prekindergarten instructional program and who meet the standards and requirements of this grant program and 8 NYCRR 151-1. Potential collaborating eligible agencies / CBOs include providers of approved, licensed and/or registered prekindergarten programs, such as those associated with:- Child Care and Early Education;
- Early Childhood Centers;
- Family/ Group Family Child Care;
- Day Care Centers;
- Head Start;
- 4410 Preschool Special Education;
- Nursery Schools;
- Charter Schools;
- Non-Public Schools;
- Libraries; and
- Museums.
For purposes of this grant, potential agency / CBO collaborators listed above are not eligible to directly apply for this funding opportunity. They are encouraged to apply to a school district to be considered for contracting collaborative prekindergarten programming.
Due to the highly competitive nature of this grant, in addition to proposal quality, school district applicants’ proposals will be evaluated on several factors, including, but not limited to, the level of existing prekindergarten services in the school district, the extent to which the school district would prioritize funds to maximize the total number of eligible four-year-old children served in its full-day prekindergarten programs, and the school district’s plan to comply with all applicable rules and requirements pursuant to Education Law §3602-ee. Preference will be given to programs serving high levels of four-year-old students that are economically disadvantaged.
Amount of Funding
The New York State Education Department will award up to $25 million to fund grants for the 2022-2023 and 2023-2024 school years:
- In round one, NYSED awarded $11,692,890 of the $25 Million.
- For round two, applicants will be eligible for the remaining $13,307,110.
For purposes of this grant, no school district shall receive an award of more than ten percent (10%) of the total grant funds ($25 million).
Grant awards will be based upon the full annualized value of each awarded school district’s approved application. However, in the 2023-2024 school year, payment will be prorated based on the actual number of students served by certified and uncertified teachers, and the number of full school days out of 180 that the program is in operation.
For the purposes of this grant and pursuant to 8 NYCRR 151-1, awarded school districts will be able to operate a 180-day program during the 2023-2024 school year. Grant funding will be awarded to school districts to create new Full-Day and Half-Day to Full-Day placements for four-year-old students that will supplement and not supplant current local expenditures of federal, state, or local funds on prekindergarten programs and the number of placements in such directly or collaboratively implemented prekindergarten programs from such sources.For purposes of this grant, no school district shall receive an award of more than ten percent (10%) of the total grant funds ($25 million).
Calculation of grant awards will be dependent on valid New York State teacher certification pursuant to Education Law §3602-ee(8).
- Grant awards shall equal $10,000 per student when served by a teacher of record with New York State teacher certification valid for service in the early childhood grades or a teaching license or certificate for students with disabilities valid for service in early childhood grades.
- Grant awards shall equal $7,000 per student when served by a teacher of record without valid New York State teacher certification in early childhood grades.
- Half-Day to Full Day Certified Conversion Placements for four year old students taught by teacher(s) of record with New York State teacher certification valid for service in the early childhood grades or a teaching license or certificate for students with disabilities valid for service in early childhood grades; or
- Per Student: $10,000 - existing half-day UPK funding = full day certified conversion funding
- Half-Day to Full Day Uncertified Conversions Placements for four year old students taught by teacher(s) without valid New York State teacher certification in early childhood grades.
- Per Student: $7,000 - existing half-day UPK funding = full day certified conversion funding
Grant funds and associated expenditures must be separately accounted for and not commingled with other funds. School district funds must be maintained in, and expenditures made from, a special revenue (special aid) fund account.
Questions and Answers
- Questions and Answers – Posted 2/3/23
All questions must be submitted via E-Mail to by close of business January 27, 2023. A complete list of all Questions and Answers will be posted here no later than February 3, 2023.
Application Due Date
Receipt of 1 original and 3 paper copies by 5:00 PM, February 17, 2023, to:
New York State Education Department
Attn: School Year 2023-2024 Universal Prekindergarten Expansion Grant
Office of Early Learning
89 Washington Avenue
Room 319 EB
Albany, NY 12234
Applications are also required to be received by 5:00 PM, February 17, 2023 by the Department via email to The file format must be in Microsoft Word. The subject line of the email must read as follows: 2023-24 UPK Expansion Grant RFP GC 22-010a and the legal name of applicant school district
APPENDIX A: Standard Clauses for New York State Contracts
APPENDIX A-1: General Assurances
APPENDIX B: Statement of Assurances
APPENDIX C: 2023-2024 Full-Day and Half-Day to Full-Day Four-year-old Prekindergarten Maximum Grant Award Request & Collaboration Calculator
APPENDIX D: New York State-Administered Universal Prekindergarten Quality Assurance Protocol for Grant Programs Initially Awarded in School Years 2014-2015, 2021-2022, and 2022-2023.
APPENDIX E: Proposal Evaluation Rubric
APPENDIX F: Teacher Certification Waiver
APPENDIX G: Collaboration Variance RequestGrant Application Documents
Grant Application in PDF | Grant Application in Word
Appendix C: Grant Award Request and Collaboration Calculator
Appendix D: New York State-Administered Universal Prekindergarten Quality Assurance Protocol
Appendix E: Proposal Evaluation Rubric
Appendix F: Prekindergarten Community Based Organization (CBO) Certification Waiver
Appendix G: Prekindergarten Variance from Collaboration Requirement
Questions and Answers – Posted 2/3/23