Facilities Planning

Revised Procedures for Emergency Evacuation Posting

In order to assure the safety of students, faculty, and staff, the procedure for the posting of written evacuation routes from a school building has been changed. Previously, schools were required to post written evacuation routes from a building. In some cases, evacuation procedures included posting the location where students were to be sheltered. With the increase in school violence and upon advice from the New York State Police, the Department is requesting that the sheltering location not be posted in the building. Posting emergency evacuation routes from a school building is adequate. The school's written emergency management plan should clearly indicate where the students are to be sheltered during an emergency. Written copies of the plan should be available to all appropriate school and emergency personnel.

Questions may be directed to the Fire Safety Unit, Office of Facilities Planning at (518) 474-3906 or firesafety@nysed.gov

(this article originally appeared in the EMSC's School Executive's Bulletin, Nov/Dec 1999)





Last Updated: March 7, 2016