RFP #19-019
The New York State Center for School Safety (CFSS) Technical Assistance Center
RFP Documents
RFP Document (PDF) | RFP Document (Word)
RFP Submission Documents in PDF | RFP Submission Documents in Word
RFP Cost Proposal Spreadsheet
Questions and Answers – Posted 3/31/20
The New York State Education Department’s (NYSED) Office of Student Support Services (SSS) is seeking proposals for the operation of the New York State Center for School Safety (CFSS), a statewide technical assistance center for schools. The services that the Center provides to school districts are critical to the health and safety of students, district and school staff, families and communities throughout the State. Such services include providing professional development and technical assistance at the school and the school district levels; reviewing district safety plans; conducting on-site reviews of policies and practices; responding quickly and efficaciously to emergency situations that may arise; evaluating and analyzing aggregate, deidentified, publicly available student data related to attendance, disciplinary referrals, and suspension as well as incidents of violent and/or bullying, harassment, and discrimination. In addition, the Center will support safe and supportive school environments free from bullying, harassment and discrimination and providing support to the schools receiving Safe and Supportive Schools grants. The work of the Center helps school personnel provide and maintain safe, supportive and healthy learning environments for the students of the State of New York. Such environments are paramount for students to have the ability to learn, participate, and excel in all learning opportunities.
The Center will assist schools in creating and maintaining a comprehensive systems-approach model for safe and supportive learning environments. The development and maintenance of a resource-enhanced website and cataloging of resources and best practices to assist schools in ensuring measurable safe and supportive learning environments will also be required. The Center will work under the direction of and in cooperation and collaboration with NYSED, SSS staff, and other agencies NYSED has chosen as resources to provide supplementary/complementary supports and to ensure that technical assistance and professional development efforts are aligned with the intent of the Safe Schools Against Violence in Education Act (Project SAVE), the Dignity for All Students Act (DASA), NYSED’s Social Emotional Learning: Essential for Learning, Essential for Life, Essential for New York .and the New York Secure Ammunition Firearms Enforcement Act (NYSAFE Act).
Subcontracting will be limited to thirty percent (30%) of the total contract budget. Subcontracting is defined as non-employee direct personal services and related incidental expenses, including travel.
Bidders are required to comply with NYSED’s Minority and Women-Owned Business Enterprises (M/WBE) participation goals for this RFP through one of three methods. Compliance methods are discussed in detail in the Minority/Women-Owned Business Enterprise (M/WBE) Participation Goals section below.
Term of Contract
NYSED will award one contract pursuant to this RFP. The contract resulting from this RFP will be for a term anticipated to begin July 1, 2020 and to end June 30, 2025.
Service Area
The Center will serve all schools in New York State, including all five boroughs within New York City, with a focus on schools designated by NYSED as being Potentially Persistently Dangerous (PD), Persistently Dangerous, districts receiving Safe and Supportive Schools grants and schools and districts identified by SSS.
Mandatory Requirements
See Mandatory Requirement section of the RFP.
RFP Components
Components contained in RFP Proposal #19-019 are as follows:
- Description of Services to be Performed
- Submission
- Evaluation Criteria and Method of Award
- Assurances
- Submission Documents (separate document)
- Appendices
Questions and Answers
Questions and Answers – Posted 3/31/20
Questions regarding the request must be submitted by email to rfp19-019@nysed.gov no later than the close of business March 16, 2020. Questions regarding this request should be identified as Program, Fiscal or M/WBE. A Questions and Answers Summary will be posted here no later than March 30, 2020. The following are the designated contacts for this procurement:
Program Matters
Fiscal Matters | M/WBE Matters |
Gwyn Marschman |
Adam Kutryb |
Brian Hackett |
Electronic Proposal Submission for RFP# 19-019: The New York State Center for School Safety (CFSS) Technical Assistance Center
Due to the COVID-19 emergency, bidders are requested to submit their bids electronically to CAU@nysed.gov. Please see the information below for instructions on submitting an electronic bid. All bids must be received by 3:00 pm Eastern Time on April 17, 2020 to be considered.
- As indicated in the RFP, technical and cost proposal documents should be submitted in Microsoft Office. PDF files that are editable and Optical Character Recognition (OCR) searchable are acceptable. Please do not submit the technical or cost proposal as a scanned PDF.
- Submission documents requiring a signature must be signed using one of the methods listed below, and may be submitted in as a Microsoft Office, PDF, or JPG document. A scanned PDF is acceptable for these documents.
- The following forms of e-signatures are acceptable:
- handwritten signatures on faxed or scanned documents
- e-signatures that have been authenticated by a third-party digital software, such as DocuSign and Adobe Sign
- stored copies of the images of signatures that are placed on a document by copying and pasting or otherwise inserting them into the documents
- Unacceptable forms of e-signatures include:
- a typed name, including a signature created by selecting a script or calligraphy font for the typed name of the person “signing”
- To identify the signer and indicate that the signer understood and intended to agree to the terms of the signed document, the signer will sign beside or provide by email the following attestation: "I agree, and it is my intent, to sign this document by [describe the signature solution used] and by electronically submitting this document to [name of recipient individual or entity]. I understand that my signing and submitting this document is the legal equivalent of having placed my handwritten signature on the submitted document and this attestation. I understand and agree that by electronically signing and submitting this document I am affirming to the truth of the information contained therein."
- In order to ensure the timely receipt of your bid, please use the subject line "BID SUBMISSION RFP 19-019" - failure to appropriately label your bid or submitting a bid to any email address other than the one identified above may result in the bid not being received by the deadline and considered for award.
- Bids received after 3:00 pm Eastern Time on April 17, 2020 will be disqualified.
RFP Documents
RFP Document (PDF) | RFP Document (Word)
RFP Submission Documents in PDF | RFP Submission Documents in Word
RFP Cost Proposal Spreadsheet
Questions and Answers – Posted 3/31/20