Information and Reporting Services

Information About the Accountability Designations

Federal Title I Status for Schools

(Applies to all New York State schools receiving Title I funds)

School in Good Standing

A school is considered to be in good standing if it has not been identified as a School in Need of Improvement, in Corrective Action, Planning for Restructuring, Restructuring, Requiring Academic Progress, or as a School Under Registration Review.

School in Need of Improvement (Year 1)

A school that has not made annual yearly progress (AYP) on the same accountability measure for two consecutive years while receiving Title I funds is considered a School in Need of Improvement (Year 1) for the following year. Among other requirements, these schools are required to offer public school choice.

School in Need of Improvement (Year 2)

A School in Need of Improvement (Year 1) that does not make AYP on the accountability measure for which it was identified is considered a School in Need of Improvement (Year 2) for the following year, if it continues to receive Title I funds. Once identified, schools that continue to receive Title I funds and that did not make Adequate Yearly Progress the next year are required to continue to provide public school choice and must also offer eligible students supplemental educational services. These services are provided outside of regular school hours by an organization selected by the parent from a list of qualified providers approved by the State Education Department.

School in Corrective Action

A School in Need of Improvement (Year 2) that does not make AYP on the accountability measure for which it was identified is considered a School in Corrective Action for the following year, if it continues to receive Title I funds. In addition to offering choice and supplemental services, these schools must also implement at least one of a menu of options for action specified under NCLB, such as replace school staff who are relevant to the failure to make AYP, institute a new curriculum, or extend the school day or year.

School Planning for Restructuring

A School in Corrective Action that does not make AYP on the accountability measure for which it was identified is considered a School Planning for Restructuring for the following year, if it continues to receive Title I funds. Planning for Restructuring Schools that were in Corrective Action the previous school year and that failed to make Adequate Yearly Progress must now use the school year to develop a plan for restructuring the school.

School Restructuring (Year 1)

A School Planning for Restructuring that does not make AYP on the accountability measure for which it was identified is considered a School Restructuring (Year 1) for the following year, if it continues to receive Title I funds. Schools that were required to develop a restructuring plan during the previous school year and that failed to make Adequate Yearly Progress last year must now implement their restructuring plans at the beginning of the school year.

Schools in both the planning for restructuring and restructuring phases must continue to offer public school choice as well as supplemental educational services to eligible students.

School Restructuring (Year 2)

A School Restructuring (Year 1) that does not make AYP on the accountability measure for which it was identified is considered a School Restructuring (Year 2) for the following year, if it continues to receive Title I funds. Schools that were required to develop a restructuring plan during the previous school year and that failed to make Adequate Yearly Progress last year must now implement their restructuring plans at the beginning of the school year.

Schools in both the planning for restructuring and restructuring phases must continue to offer public school choice as well as supplemental educational services to eligible students.


New York State Status for Schools

(Applies to all New York State public schools)

School in Good Standing

A school is considered to be in good standing if it has not been identified as a School Requiring Academic Progress at any level.

School Requiring Academic Progress

Some schools did not receive Title I funds and therefore do not fall under the provisions of NCLB school accountability. However, they fall under State regulations set by the Board of Regents. These schools are required to develop improvement plans in the area for which they are identified. However, Schools Requiring Academic Progress are not required to offer public school choice or supplemental educational services.

School Requiring Academic Progress (Year 1)

A school that has not made AYP on the same accountability measure for two consecutive years is considered a School Requiring Academic Progress (Year 1) for the following year.

School Requiring Academic Progress (Year 2)

A School Requiring Academic Progress (Year 1) that does not make AYP on the same accountability measure for which it was identified is considered a School Requiring Academic Progress (Year 2) for the following year.

School Requiring Academic Progress (Year 3)

A School Requiring Academic Progress (Year 2) that does not make AYP on the same accountability measure for which it was identified is considered a School Requiring Academic Progress (Year 3) for the following year.

School Requiring Academic Progress (Year 4)

A School Requiring Academic Progress (Year 3) that does not make AYP on the same accountability measure for which it was identified is considered a School Requiring Academic Progress (Year 4) for the following year.

School Requiring Academic Progress (Year 5 & above)

A School Requiring Academic Progress (Year 4 & above) that does not make AYP on the same accountability measure for which it was identified is considered a School Requiring Academic Progress (Year 5 & above) for the following year.

Federal Title I Status for Districts

(Applies to all New York State districts receiving Title I funds)

District in Good Standing

A district is considered to be in good standing if it has not been identified as a District in Need of Improvement or a District Requiring Academic Progress.

District in Need of Improvement (Year 1)

A district that has not made AYP for two consecutive years on the same accountability measure is considered a District in Need of Improvement (Year 1) for the following year, if it continues to receive Title I funds.

District in Need of Improvement (Year 2)

A District in Need of Improvement (Year 1) that does not make AYP on the accountability measure for which it was identified is considered a District in Need of Improvement (Year 2) for the following year, if it continues to receive Title I funds.

District in Need of Improvement (Year 3)

A District in Need of Improvement (Year 2) that does not make AYP on the accountability measure for which it was identified is considered a District in Need of Improvement (Year 3) for the following year, if it continues to receive Title I funds.

District in Need of Improvement (Year 4)

A District in Need of Improvement (Year 3) that does not make AYP on the accountability measure for which it was identified is considered a District in Need of Improvement (Year 4) for the following year, if it continues to receive Title I funds.

District in Need of Improvement (Year 5 and above)

A District in Need of Improvement (Year 4 and above) that does not make AYP on the accountability measure for which it was identified is considered a District in Need of Improvement (Year 5 and above) for the following year, if it continues to receive Title I funds.


New York State Status for Districts

(Applies to New York State districts)

District Requiring Academic Progress (Year 1)

A district that has not made AYP on the same accountability measure for two consecutive years is considered a District Requiring Academic Progress (Year 1) for the following year.

District Requiring Academic Progress (Year 2)

A District Requiring Academic Progress (Year 1) that does not make AYP on the same accountability measure for which it was identified is considered a District Requiring Academic Progress (Year 2) for the following year.

District Requiring Academic Progress (Year 3)

A District Requiring Academic Progress (Year 2) that does not make AYP on the same accountability measure for which it was identified is considered a District Requiring Academic Progress (Year 3) for the following year.

District Requiring Academic Progress (Year 4)

A District Requiring Academic Progress (Year 3) that does not make AYP on the same accountability measure for which it was identified is considered a District Requiring Academic Progress (Year 4) for the following year.

District Requiring Academic Progress (Year 5 & above)

A District Requiring Academic Progress (Year 4 & above) that does not make AYP on the same accountability measure for which it was identified is considered a District Requiring Academic Progress (Year 5 & above) for the following year.

Last Updated: March 19, 2009